🎙️Moving at angel speed without the traditional VC formality: Solo GP Sarah Drinkwater and her new £10 million fund

On this special edition of the Drive at Five, newly minted Solo GP Sarah Drinkwater sits in to discuss the particulars of the fund, products with "community at their core", her very first job, and a whole lot more. Tune in, turn it up, and start taking notes, class is in session.
🎙️Moving at angel speed without the traditional VC formality: Solo GP Sarah Drinkwater and her new £10 million fund

On this Drive at Five editione speziale the omnipresent community builder/angel investor/and now Solo GP, Sarah Drinkwater sits in to discuss her newly announced fund, Common Magic.

Tune in, turn it up, and start taking notes, because this week we're talking:

- What is a Solo GP fund?
- Angel speed, less structure, more access.
- Nightclub term sheets.
- Traditions to keep, traditions to change.
- Sarah has raised one-third of a targeted £10 million.
- Investing in 30 to 35 startups in Europe and the US at the pre-seed and seed stage.
- "Hey kid, here's a hundred bucks, don't spend it all in one place."
- "Products with community at their core." What does that mean?
- Sarah's first job? You do not want to miss the answer.
- Flexing the Google
- 2014 - 2018 London. Good times.
- SuperVenture: 40 people at a meeting, 38 in ironed white or blue shirts.
- Temperature check: what is the funding landscape like at the minute?
- What are LPs looking for right now?
- Who do you see as people, "who are underestimated and underrepresented in their field"?
- Grit!
- An eye infection, pitching for 50 hours a week, and nobody says yes.
- Pitfalls founders should be aware of when setting out on community building.
- Nick breathes community. But only if they smell good.
- A thesis, an ah-ha moment, and a "but isn't this obvious?"
- Great club nights.
- "I'm always nervous about trends because trends imply impermanence."
- Building community is hard. Community builders are busy.

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