Calico Biosystems raises €156K for anti-cancer drug development

The company combines experiments and digital analysis to directly test treatment on patient tumours, surpassing the limitations of artificial models.
Calico Biosystems raises €156K for anti-cancer drug development

Swiss medtech company Calico Biosystems has raised CHF 150,000 (€156,000) in funding from Venture Kick.

The company is dedicated to enhancing the clinical efficacy of anti-cancer drugs during the pre-clinical stage in response to the high failure rate of therapeutics and the limited patient response to approved cancer treatments. 

It combines experimental and digital methods to evaluate the efficacy of treatments in patient tumours directly, thus overcoming current models that are too artificial to faithfully reproduce their complexity. 

Its digital strategy uses computational modelling to predict the most effective therapeutic combinations for clinical use, enabling pharmaceutical companies to create more effective and affordable cancer treatments.

The co-founders, CEO Marie-Agnès Doucey and CSO Riccardo Turrini, are former Unil collaborators with more than 15 years of experience in systems immuno-oncology.

"This exceptional program helped us get the right mindset, kicked us out of our comfort zone, and challenged our vision, pushing us to focus on what matters to achieve a successful business strategy,” stated Riccardo Turrini.

Calico Biosystems will invest the funds in market entry, innovation, and business growth through strategic partnering.

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