German biotech company Gilupi acquired by Chinese investor Viroad

Potsdam, Germany-based biotech company Gilupi has been acquired by Chinese biotech investor Viroad.

Captura de pantalla 2016-12-29 a las 10.51.27 a. m.

Potsdam, Germany-based biotech company Gilupi has been acquired by Chinese biotech investor Viroad.

Gilupi was founded in 2006 by Managing Director Dr. Jens Pfannkuche as a biotech company focused on developing and producing new innovative medical devices for the in vivo isolation of rare cells—specifically, circulating tumor cells (CTCs).

After having been Gilupi's biggest investor and shareholder since 2012, Viroad bought the remaining shares from Aurelia, High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), KfW, ILB, the venture capital fund of the Sparkassen of Brandenburg, and various business angels. The purchase amount was not disclosed.

The acquisition will give Gilupi access to the Chinese market and allow it to continue development on its medical devices and personalized cancer diagnostics.

Read more: FinSMEs


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