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Catch the wave of digital finance with Tokenomica and win up to $10,000 in cryptocurrency 

Catch the wave of digital finance with Tokenomica and win up to $10,000 in cryptocurrency 

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Summer is here and while the lucky ones are enjoying actual waves surfing, anyone can catch the wave of digital finance at Tokenomica’s latest contest and win a free fundraising campaign or $10,000 worth in crypto Waves. 

Some will join with a proper business plan and a serious project in mind. Others can enter the contest just for laughs or to prove the point that they can do it and win. Tokenomica’s fully automated platform was built to make it simple to issue and trade smart securities. It is an answer to growing demand from startups and SME (Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises) for an alternative, yet a legitimate form of financing as they often face cash crunch barriers when trying to enter traditional capital markets. 


The testing ground for users is already open — so you can go and check out the Step-by-Step Guide on launching STO Campaign on STIP Sandbox and start fundraising campaigns without risking your funds. The full version of STIP will be released this August. The main idea behind the product is to simplify fundraising for both companies and investors, STIP offers a solution to launch a fully compliant fundraising campaign and to get easy access to secondary markets; from setting up a company to the issuance of legally compliant instruments. On top of that, it provides investors with a marketplace for all their past and ongoing fundraising campaigns. 

All you need is an idea 

As all test campaigns that meet the basic requirements will automatically qualify for the prize, why not to start now. All you need is an interesting idea, value of your project, draft of a business plan, and projected benefits for the investors. Sounds like much? Tokenomica’s Step by Step Guide on launching STO Campaign on STIP Sandbox will show you all the way through, so you can set it up in no time. 

And while anyone can enter the STO contest even by creating a company that will never exist, this can also be a good testing ground for new projects. If your project will be launched soon, feel free to add links to your website and social media or add whitepaper if you already have one to share. 

And the winner is... 

There will be four winners chosen from all projects that launched their test STO campaigns on Tokenomica’s platform. Three campaigns, chosen by users, to raise the biggest amount of Waves Testnet tokens and reach their Softcap will win up to 5,000 Waves (first place — 5,000 Waves; second place — 1,000 Waves: third place — 500 Waves). Tokenomica’s team will choose the fourth winner that will receive all the legal services required for the campaign on the launch of the full version of the STIP covered by Tokenomica. 

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