SumUp announces some new ESG initiatives ahead of Earth Day

The London-based fintech will be supporting projects in Indonesia, Peru and Central America in its support for climate action initiatives
SumUp announces some new ESG initiatives ahead of Earth Day

SumUp is getting in on a little Earth Day action as the London-based global fintech announces some new ESG initiatives addressing societal and environmental issues.

The OECD warning that the 'average global temperature could rise by 3-6 degrees celsius by 2100 without urgent action' and that emissions 'would need to peak before 2030 to give us a fighting chance of achieving this it appears to have kicked SumUp into some further actions. 

It has pledged to donate 1% of net revenue generated by Solo devices to NGOs within the "1% for the Planet" movement. 

The initiatives SumUp is getting involved in are River Cleanup which does river cleans in Indonesia, Wilderness International which protects forests in Peru and StoveTeam International which supports families in Central America with safe, fuel-efficient cookstoves. 

It is also offering 3-month Java Full Stack development courses to over 120 students across Chile, Brazil and Colombia, providing tech education to women and girls, migrants, LGBTQ+, and other underprivileged and vulnerable persons. 

And it works with Dharma Life to provide a technology platform which supports education for children living in rural India by paying the salaries of teachers, as well as providing computers and air conditioning for schools in the Brazilian favelas (MonteAzul and HorizonteAzul).

“As a world-leading technology company, we’re committed to having a positive impact on the world and empowering people. And with our ESG initiatives, we want to create value throughout society and for the planet. We believe that investing in critical global issues and addressing them at source, like education for unemployed and minoritised groups, or protecting our planet, is not only the right thing to do but also a responsibility of everyone and will shape our shared future. We are committed to driving this agenda further to accelerate change and help create a sustainable future,” says SumUp's Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion and ESG Felizitas Lichtenberg

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