Kinderheldin and keleya to merge into womens' health super-platform

The combined market share of the two companies is more than 15%.
Kinderheldin and keleya to merge into womens' health super-platform

Femtechs keleya and Kinderheldin, both digital platforms that provide support for pregnant women and mothers, are merging to operate under the brand name keleya.

Over the course of 2024, the two brands will bundle their products and develop new software, such as an AI-based 24/7 midwife support service.

Founded in 2017, FemTech keleya is a knowledge platform curated by women's health experts. The company aggregates valuable information in a variety of formats including videos, podcasts, articles, checklists and live sessions. The app for pregnant women focuses on topics ranging from hypnobirthing to attachment parenting whilst the one for mothers  covers everything from baby sleep and postnatal recovery to managing stress and mental load.

Kinderheldin, also launched in 2017, offers a comprehensive range of online courses for pregnancy and babycare, as well as one-to-one digital midwife consultations for additional one-to-one support. With the integration of the digital midwife consultation made possible by the merger with Kinderheldin, keleya is expanding its offering to include direct dialogue with midwives seven days a week.

The alliance allows them a powerful market share: together, keleya and Kinderheldin bring partnerships with a total of 65 health insurance companies and insurers, covering around 65 per cent of all insured persons in Germany. 

These extensive partnerships ensure that popular services such as antenatal classes are covered by the health insurance companies and are therefore free of charge to the end user. More than 15 percent of all pregnant women in Germany already use the two companies' products.

Julia Neumann, who will now lead the company together with Kinderheldin CEO Philipp Dräger, commented on the merger: "At keleya, we believe in empowerment through knowledge and the provision of knowledge through technology. Keleya empowers and supports women during their pregnancy and early motherhood. Based on expert knowledge, we enable a more positive pregnancy experience and empower women to make choices during this exciting time. Joining forces with Kinderheldin will help us to further strengthen our digital offering, breaking down barriers and making it accessible anytime, anywhere.

"keleya and Kinderheldin were founded with the mission to provide guidance and reassurance. In a world where pregnant women and mothers are often confronted with a flood of information and opinions, we offer reliable answers and empower women to go through their pregnancy in a self-determined way and start their motherhood with confidence."

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