German online therapy startup Selfapy raises millions

Berlin-based Selfapy, a startup that aims to digitize psychotherapy, has raised a seven-digit investment. The exact amount is unknown but estimated to be between one and two million euros. The funding comes from IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft and High-Tech Gründerfonds.

Berlin-based Selfapy, a startup that aims to digitise psychotherapy, has raised a seven-digit investment. The exact amount is unknown but estimated to be between one and two million euros. The funding comes from IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft and High-Tech Gründerfonds.

Selfapy's platform contains online courses to help people with mental illness, though they are not intended to totallyreplace traditional therapy - at least not yet. The courses are supplemented by support provided by a psychologist via telephone or chat.

With the new capital, Selfapy wants to expand sales in the B2B market and develop its app. The company is also pushing forward in its cooperation with health insurance companies. Since April, some courses have been reimbursable with insurance, and others are to follow.

Read more: Grunderszene (German)

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