Berlin-based car leasing platform VEHICULUM raises €7 million

Berlin-based car leasing platform VEHICULUM raises €7 million

German-founded startup VEHICULUM that's developed a new car leasing marketplace with over 100,000 registered business customers has raised €7 million in a funding round led by Runa Capital, a US-based VC fund with Russian roots. The company plans to use the capital to open its platform, which is currently only available for businesses, to private customers.

Further down the line, the company plans to adjust its offering to the realities of the mobility industry.


“In the future, we won’t buy cars anymore, we will pay a monthly fee for their usage,” said the startup's co-founder Lukas Steinhilber. Whether we call that leasing, renting, a subscription or a flat rate – we’re building the appropriate platform.”

VEHICULUM currently employs 70 people in its Berlin office and claims to have brokered contracts worth more than €300 million.

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