Zetta Genomics secures additional £1.8M in seed funding for genomic data analysis platform

Cambridge-based startup, Zetta Genomics, secures £1.8 million investment from We Venture Capital for its genomic data analysis platform, XetaBase, expanding its seed round.
Zetta Genomics secures additional £1.8M in seed funding for genomic data analysis platform

Zetta Genomics, a Cambridge-based startup working in the field of, as the name implies, genomics, has announced a further expansion of its seed round with a £1.8 million investment. 

The new capital arrives via We Venture Capital, the innovation VC arm of global specialised diagnostics leader, Werfen, and is aimed at helping the startup further develop its genomic data analysis platform, XetaBase.

While the startup is calling this an extension of its second seed round, which, if we want to play the alphabet game, would put it at a Series B(?), the fresh investment builds upon Zetta Genomics’ previous capital injections including a £2.5 million round concluded in early 2022 and a £1.9 million round announced in April 2023. 

All the while, Zetta says that its gearing up for a proper Series A round planned for late 2024.

Since last year’s influx of capital, Zetta has gone one to encompass 500,000 genomes under management, deepen its bioinformatics and translation expertise, established an HQ in Cambridge while expanding its geographic footprint to include offices in Valencia, Spain, and established partnerships with Microsoft, Fujitsu, and IQVIA.


On the company’s future, Zetta Genomics founder and CEO, Ignacio Medina, shared: 

“Zetta Genomics is already making a difference to patients as XetaBase empowers clinicians to make faster and more accurate diagnoses at scale. 

“With this extension to our second seed funding round now finalised, we are scaling and innovating our technologies, and enhancing customer focus.”

Lead image: The Zetta Genomics team. Photo: Uncredited.

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