Abrinca Genomics secures €159,700 for advancing microbial genomics

Abrinca's OpenGenomeBrowser (OGB) accelerates discoveries and reduces product development times.
Abrinca Genomics secures €159,700 for advancing microbial genomics

Swiss biotech Abrinca Genomics has raised CHF 150,000 (€159,700) to advance the microbial genomics research market.

Biologists’ capacity to perform innovative genomic research is often hindered by their reliance on bioinformaticians to manage genomic datasets and develop custom codes to meet specific analytical needs. This operational bottleneck reduces productivity and slows research innovation in academic and commercial settings.

Spun out of the University of Bern, Abrinca addresses this challenge with the OpenGenomeBrowser (OGB), which manages long-term microbial genomics datasets and offers advanced analytical tools in an intuitive interface. 

By boosting efficiency, it accelerates discoveries and reduces product development times, which is crucial for staying ahead in the fast-paced field of microbial research where quick turnaround is essential for innovation.

As a B2B and B2B2B software company, Abrinca aims to serve a potential market of over 800 commercial companies and academic research institutions working in microbial genomics. Abrinca is targeting customers across the food, nutrition, healthcare, biotech, and pharma sectors.

The Venture Kick philanthropic initiative provides up to CHF 150,000 in seed funding to Swiss startups and offers a well-structured entrepreneurial path toward building a winning business. Startups pitch to expert juries in three stages to obtain financing, gain direct feedback, and access an international network of 200 successful entrepreneurs and investors. Winners of Venture Kick are eligible for an InnoBooster grant of CHF 150,000 and an additional CHF 850,000 investment from the Kickfund.

Since its launch in 2007, Venture Kick has supported 1,074 Swiss startup projects with CHF 80 million. 

“Venture Kick has truly accelerated our progress. The feedback from the jury highlighted critical areas and ‘kicked’ us to address issues more quickly. Their network was very helpful, enabling us to find a new team member, thus filling a key gap in our team,” highlighted the founder, Thomas Roder. 

“The Venture Kick team is well-organised, supportive, and shares our vision of building a successful business. We are extremely grateful for their support!”

Abrinca will use the funds from Venture Kick to boost sales and marketing, refine its business model, and accelerate product development, including a new cloud-based solution and an end-to-end services pipeline. The funds will also cover operational costs to support scalable growth in microbial genomics research.

Lead image: Freepik.

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