VidLab7's avatar-generating AI for sales raises €3.5M in Seed funding

VidLab7's allows sales teams to create hyper-personalised video and voice content using Gen AI content or lifelike avatar of themselves.
VidLab7's avatar-generating AI for sales raises €3.5M in Seed funding

AI-driven sales software VidLab7 has raised €3.5 million Seed funding. 

If you’ve ever wished there were two (or more!) of you, this is the platform for you. VidLab7 allows users to create, customise, and animate sales avatars — either of themselves or from any AI-generated content — directly within the platform. 

Sales teams spend too much time on manual tasks such as following up with prospects, engaging with existing customers, entering data, and  creating content with highly outdated tools. 

VidLab7 aims to transform the way sales processes work with AI-driven video content.  The platform, which integrates seamlessly with some of the world’s largest CRM systems,  allows sales teams to create hyper-personalised video and voice content using either AI generated content or lifelike avatar versions of themselves that can be distributed to targets. 

With VidLab7’s synthetic media suite, users can create videos of themselves that:

  • Address customers or prospects by name; 
  • Highlight specific products or services based on a  potential customer’s browsing behaviour; 
  • Focus on needs discussed during a recent human  interaction; 
  • Work as part of an initial sales effort.

The technology can also be used to create conversational avatars adapted to specific revenue campaigns, send personalised follow-up  notes,event invitations, training videos and more, all at an unprecedented scale and pace.  

Fabian Beringer, Co-founder of VidLab7 commented: 

“AI-enabled, synthetic media is the  new frontier in sales processes, and video far exceeds other content forms when it comes to  both engagement and customer conversion rates. 

VidLab7’s technology can really support  any sales teams to grow company revenue and increase customer conversion, while  maintaining the crucial aspect of personal experiences that only a human-to-human  interaction have been able to deliver up until now. We enable our customers to leverage  synthetic media and generative AI to elevate revenue generation, offering limitless creativity  in content creation.” 

EQT Ventures led the funding round, with participation from

prominent angel investors. 

Doreen Huber, Partner at EQT Ventures, added:

 “Revenue growth is an ongoing  challenge for every business in the world. With many years of experience leading sales  teams, I know that innovation in sales is key to driving performance. This is precisely what I  see in VidLab7's new synthetic media suite —it has the potential to become the generative  AI tool for any revenue team.” 

The company will use the funds to continue developing its AI  powered, personalised sales suite for businesses, including its Eclipse 7.2  AI Model. 

Lead image: VidLab7. Photo: uncredited. 

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