German fintech startup Solarisbank raises €26.3 million

German fintech startup Solarisbank has just raised €26.3 million in funds. Investors include the Japanese SBI Group, Arvato Financial Solutions, and Unicredit. Previous investors including Finleap, Hegus, and Yabeo also participated in the round.

German fintech startup Solarisbank has just raised €26.3 million. Investors include the Japanese SBI Group, Arvato Financial Solutions, and Unicredit. Previous investors Finleap, Hegus, and Yabeo also participated in the round.

Solarisbank is a fintech company with a banking license, which is rare among startups. As such, its intention is to serve as a bank partner for other fintech and digital companies. The company has been growing its customer list in the past months: AutoScout has been using the company to provide car loans, and fintechs startups like and the banking app Kontist have been customers for several months.

The bank is currently active in six European countries and employs 85 people. The company wants to strengthen its presence in existing markets, and plans to expand to Asia, particularly Japan, in 2018.


"The plan is to build an app store for bank products," said Wenthin in an interview in November. "Every customer can connect with the service they need. With this approach, we are different from our competitors. "

Read more: Grunderszene (German)

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