Work and knowledge management platform Fibery raises $5.2 million

Perhaps not the greatest name for a work and knowledge management platform, fib: noun - a lie, typically an unimportant one, Cyprus-based Fibery is bringing all the tools we use everyday under one roof.
Work and knowledge management platform Fibery raises $5.2 million

Cyprus-based Fibery has raised $5.2 million in a Series A funding round. The capital is intended to be used to further accelerate the startup’s development, with a particular focus on upping the sales and marketing headcount.

Fibery’s $5.2 million Series A round, which was first noted as 1 September 2022, but only disclosed to the press today, was led by Tal Ventures, with existing investor Altair Capital following on. This round brings total investment in the company to $8.3 million following a $3.1 million seed round led by Altair Capital.

Offering up its own flavour of the seemingly umpteen number of workflow and knowledge management platforms du jour, Fibery is specifically courting the startup world, offering a, “single, connected platform, making information discovery and sharing that much easier while increasing the probability and quality of insights that teams can glean from it” and promising to meet a growing company’s needs, particularly as they scale.

Perhaps better illustrated visually, Fibery looks to be an all-in-one miro meets notion meets trello meets (insert your favourite work management tool here).


“My team and I have been working diligently to reimagine the future of work and knowledge management; I am confident when I say that our solution is the next big step towards providing startups of all sizes a connected workspace best suited for their needs,” said Fibery CEO and co-founder Michael Dubakov. “We don’t claim to be building a solution that is the best at everything; rather, we are providing the essential building blocks companies need to better understand problems, collaborate, and invent solutions.”

According to Fibery, they’re working with over 500 companies including Lemonade, Pinterest, NZX, Grundfos, Optiv, and Plex, and report MRR growth of 2x in 2022.

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