Resilience raises $25M to expand remote oncology patient monitoring

Resilience became the first remote monitoring medical device in oncology to be reimbursed by the national social security in France. 
Resilience raises $25M to expand remote oncology patient monitoring

Healthtech company Resilience, already deployed in more than 90 medical centres representing over 10,000 patients, has raised $25 million.

Remote has developed a remote patient monitoring platform—classified as a class IIa medical device—along with a mobile app for cancer patients.

In October 2023, Resilience became the first remote monitoring medical device in oncology to be reimbursed by the national social security in France. 

Picus Capital and Red River West are leading today's fundraising. Cathay Innovation, Singular, and Seaya Ventures are also investing in Resilience again. 

The company plans to expand its deployment in Belgium, where its solution is already used in three medical centres. In January 2024, Resilience also submitted a reimbursement application to the Belgian regulatory agency (INAMI). Resilience also seeks to expand its development in Germany, where there are 500,000 new cancers each year. 

According to Céline Lazorthes and Jonathan Benhamou, co-founders and Co-CEOs of Resilience: 

"Since we founded Resilience, we have always upheld a holistic vision deeply focused on patients and a strong mission to ensure better care. 

This financing will allow us to extend the positive impacts of remote monitoring, therapeutic education, and supportive care to a greater number of patients in France and abroad.”

The funds will help accelerate the deployment of Resilience’s solution in France and abroad.

Lead image: Céline Lazorthes and Jonathan Benhamou, co-founders and Co-CEOs, Resilience.j

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