LimoLane raises €35M to expand its premium mobility offering

LimoLane offers premium mobility solutions for businesses, focusing on the industrial, fashion, travel, tourism, hospitality, and financial services sectors. 
LimoLane raises €35M to expand its premium mobility offering

Italian mobility company LimoLane has raised €35 million. 

Founded in 2021 by Fabio Nalucci and headquartered in Milan, LimoLane offers premium mobility solutions for businesses, focusing on the industrial, fashion, travel, tourism, hospitality, and financial services sectors. 

Its app automates B2B mobility requests by integrating directly with clients' workflows. 

It serves over 50 countries and 500 cities worldwide, with over 6,000 ride-hailing operators.

The company's revenue exceeded €8 million in 2022, €16.5 million in 2023, and is projected to reach €34 million in 2024, with a relative EBITDA margin of over 30 per cent.

The funding was completed through Cherry Bay Capital Investment Club Spa, in collaboration with  FG2 Capital and various private investors and entrepreneurial families.

Fabio Nalucci, President of LimoLane, shared:

 "This fundraising demonstrates the possibility of achieving digital innovation in traditional sectors by combining industry and finance to create a global champion in a still highly local sector."

Mattia Rossi, founding partner of Cherry Bay Capital Group, states: 

"We consider LimoLane one of the most promising expansion operations in the small and mid-cap private equity sector and Fabio Nalucci a leading figure in Italy in the field of digital transition."

The funding will help LimoLane to continue expanding in Europe by increasing investments and intensifying collaborations with the event industry.

Lead image: LimoLane. Photo: uncredited.


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