Shopify of digital health, Huma, raised $80M Series D

Huma also launched the Huma Cloud Platform, a tech ecosystem that supports companies' digital health initiatives and empowers others to launch and scale their projects.
Shopify of digital health, Huma, raised $80M Series D

UK-headquartered healthcare AI company Huma has raised $80 million series D funding, bringing its funding to over $300 million.

Huma develops modular platforms that are used by over 3,000 hospitals and clinics, with over 35 million screened users and 4 million registered users in healthcare. It has also powered over 800 studies, supporting about 1 million participants across research. 

Huma's technology powers:

  • virtual care tools ranging from digital-first screening and population health initiatives to at-scale remote patient monitoring (RPM)
  • companion apps to support patients through treatment and drug therapies
  • digital clinical trials, including decentralised trials, to accelerate medical research

The company is active in major national healthcare projects worldwide, from the US and the UK to Germany, Greece, and Saudi Arabia, and collaborates with most large pharma companies.

Alongside its Series D, Huma is also announcing the launch of its Huma Cloud Platform – a technology ecosystem designed not only to support the company’s own digital health initiatives but also to empower others to launch and scale their projects efficiently. It aims to reduce the time it takes to develop and launch digital health projects at scale from years to as little as a few days.

In 2023, Huma achieved the landmark milestone of becoming the first and only configurable, disease-agnostic FDA Class II, EuMDR Class IIb, and Saudi FDA Class C platform, enabling rapid, code-free configuration with the ability to host AI/ML models. This regulatory status significantly reduces the cost, time, and risks associated with bringing digital health projects to life through the Huma Cloud Platform.

Huma is now making this platform available to customers which comes with a Software Development Kit (SDK) to enable the accelerated development of similar applications or to embed functionalities into their existing solutions.

The Series D saw the participation of new and existing strategic and financial investors, including AstraZeneca, Hat Technology Fund 4 by HAT SGR, HV Fund by Hitachi Ventures, Leaps by Bayer and others

Dan Vahdat, Founder and CEO of Huma, said, 

“We are here to accelerate the adoption of digital and AI across care and research, and we do that by making the building of digital health solutions for care and research easy.

We like to think of Huma Cloud Platform much like Shopify but for digital health instead of e-commerce. We believe when digital and AI are scaled, they become affordable for both the poor and the rich. They remain consistent and will help us transition medicine from being reactive to proactive.”

Huma has partnered with Google and others to develop new AI models that could enable its Cloud Platform users to care for many times more patients with less work. One such feature is “10x Nurse,” which significantly reduces administrative tasks and brings automation to the patient review process with a human in the loop.

Looking ahead, combining the Huma Cloud Platform with next-generation AI models will enable Huma to have a bigger impact through its digital-first care and research initiatives. It will also support small startups and enterprises in launching the digital solutions they need.

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