From labs to the ocean: 6 next-gen blue economy startups

Startups are leveraging data-driven tech to conserve ocean ecosystems and promote the sustainable use of ocean resources.
From labs to the ocean: 6 next-gen blue economy startups

The ocean covers over 70 per cent of the Earth's surface, providing a habitat for the largest ecosystem on our planet. But oceans are under threat from rising temperatures and sea levels, loss of biodiversity, overfishing, and coral bleaching. 

Fortunately, there's a thriving interest in the Blue Economy and the sustainable use of ocean resources to grow economics, improve livelihoods, and create jobs while preserving the health of marine and coastal ecosystems.  

Funds such as Ocean 14 Capital, Faber, Katapult Ocean, and Blue Ocean fund invest in science-backed startups with tech that aim to preserve ocean ecosystems. 

Let's dive in and take a look: 

Stream Ocean (Switzerland)

Image: Stream Ocean.

Founded in 2022, Stream Ocean is developing an end-to-end AI-powered solution for real-time maritime surveillance to increase our understanding of marine ecosystems and contribute to more effective ocean conservation efforts.

Its tech monitors ocean projects using a high-definition autonomous underwater camera system and AI model enabling automated analysis via its  online dashboard.

Stream Ocean's technology can be applied across various sectors, including offshore wind, maritime construction, aquaculture, and conservation. By delivering HD imagery continuously, clients can engage with and assess projects in real-time.

subdron (Germany)

Image: subdon.

subdron is developing close-range navigation for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) 

It helps AUVs autonomously sense and inspect underwater infrastructure such as port facilities and ship hulls. By leveraging advanced sensor systems and innovative algorithms, these vehicles enable faster, more accurate, and cost-effective inspections, minimising human intervention and maximising operational efficiency. 

The technology can significantly decarbonise the shipping industry and transform the maintenance and monitoring of critical underwater assets, reducing costs by up to 50 percent and improving safety for a wide range of industries.

The company raised €1.3 million Pre-Seed in July 2023. 

WellFish Tech (Scotland)

WellFish Tech is transforming fish healthcare in the aquaculture industry through rapid, 24.hour blood testing for fish. 

The company aims to reduce the reliance on lethal methods to assess fish health with non-lethal, blood-based testing. It's developed a proactive healthcare model, where fish are routinely monitored every 2-4 weeks throughout their life cycle. Data is analysed, interpreted using its database and AI models, and presented to the farmer using a traffic light system (green OK; amber warning; red problem) within 24 hours of sample receipt. 

As with any disease in any species including humans, early detection and intervention leads to less mortality.

RiverRecycle (Finland)

RiverRecycle has invented patent-pending technology that effectively cleans rivers from plastic pollution and removes floating plastic waste from rivers

The collected waste is sorted for reuse, recycling, or proper disposal. Instead of sending low-value plastic waste to landfills where it could potentially harm the environment, the company recycles it using either mechanical or chemical methods. 

This process ensures that the plastic waste is repurposed and does not spill back into the environment.

Through the sale of recycled products, RiverRecycle generates profits to sustain its operations while supporting developing communities in improving their local economies and environment.

Planetcare (Slovenia)

Washing machines are a significant source of microplastics found in oceans. 

Planetcare filters stop 98 per cent of them.

Image: Planetcare filters.

According to research, 6 kg of laundry releases over 700,000 microscopic plastic fibres. By simply installing a PlanetCare filter on your washing machine, you can now stop throwing one light plastic grocery bag into the ocean every week.

In five years, PlanetCare users will stop over 500 tons of microfibre emissions just by filtering their laundry wastewater.  

Seawater Solutions (UK)

​Seawater Solutions develops degraded coastal land using seawater, creating wetlands that capture carbon, create jobs, produce food, re-wild the environment, clean waterways and stabilise coastlines.

Seawater Solutions' Regenerative Seawater Agriculture (RAS) system introduces salt-tolerant species and ecologies onto degraded land, forming a healthy and productive ecosystem.

RSA systems regenerate land within three years, significantly faster than conventional restoration efforts, largely due to the circular systems of water management, cropping methods, and the use of indigenous agronomic practices suited to the specific regions in which we work.

Carbon credits produced in these large-scale operations, along with environmental engineering services like coastal erosion management, have significant demand from governments and international organisations.

Lead image: Wirestock.

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