Eleven Ventures backs women's health platform Vivian Lab

The Vivian Lab platform integrates menopause education, telehealth, personalised treatment plans, community support, and AI assistants. 
Eleven Ventures backs women's health platform Vivian Lab

Women’s digital healthcare startup Vivian Lab has completed its first funding round.

Led by an all-female founder team based in Munich, Athens, and London, the company is developing a program designed by scientists and doctors that supports women through menopause, sexual wellness, fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum. 

Women's health has been underserved for far too long. And although all women will go through menopause, adequate support is lacking. As a result, they are often forced to leave the workforce earlier, causing a $150 billion gap for employers and insurance companies. 

Menopause has over 30 different symptoms, but due to stigma and a lack of education, many women fail to recognise them. 

Additionally, doctors often misdiagnose these symptoms due to insufficient focus on menopause, leading to increased costs for insurance companies and preventing women from receiving comprehensive support. 

Vivian Lab’s first flagship digital program focuses on menopause. The platform integrates educational content, telehealth consultations, personalised treatment plans, community support, and AI assistants, making menopause management accessible and empowering. 

With Vivian Lab, women can better prepare for and understand the transition, receiving holistic support in all areas, including sexual health, weight management, mental health, and exercise. It is one of the few programs in Europe to improve the way women access healthcare and the team is committed to ensuring that every woman has access to the care she deserves. 

The company already has large enterprise customers, including pharmaceutical companies, banks, hospitals, and multinationals, like Bayer and more.

Eleven Ventures led the round which was completed within just six months of Vivian Lab's launch, underscoring strong investor confidence in the company’s vision and approach to women’s healthcare.

"We are deeply grateful for the support from Eleven Ventures, who share our commitment to bringing fundamental changes to women’s healthcare," said Gina Tiriakidou, Founder and CEO of Vivian Lab. 

"This funding is a crucial step in our journey to expand our offerings and reach more women who need support.

More importantly, Eleven is a strategic partner on this journey, with a highly successful track record in healthcare investments, so we can greatly benefit from their guidance and experience.

We couldn’t be more proud and grateful to belong to the Eleven community."

According to Valeri Petrov, Partner at Eleven Ventures:

"As an active investor in healthcare, we have been closely monitoring the femtech space and are deeply aware of the significant gaps in female health support and treatment options.

We are proud to support this outstanding female-led team and partner with Vivian Lab in their mission to make healthcare more accessible and personalized for women at every stage of life."

 The funds will be allocated towards enhancing the program, improving user experience, and entering new markets such as Germany and the DACH region.

Lead image: Vivan Lab. Photo: uncredited.

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