Some of Europe's brightest tech stars are coming to Silicon Valley in September (we'll be there, too)

Some of Europe's finest tech startups and corporations are joining EU policymakers for a week-long business trip to Silicon Valley from 21 to 25 Sept. I will be participating as well - learn more below.

Silicon Valley, are you ready to get acquainted with some of Europe's most promising digital startups and 'scale-ups'? Because in less than two months, Startup Europe Comes to Silicon Valley (SEC2SV).

Inspired by and in collaboration with SVC2UK (Silicon Valley Comes to United Kingdom), Startup Europe Partnership is bringing together European policymakers (led by the European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Günther Oettinger), great EU-based startups and corporations to meet with stakeholders in the SF Bay Area.

The highlight of the week-long visit will be a large (600+ person) event at the iconic Computer History Museum in Mountain View, dubbed the European Innovation Day on Monday, September 21st.

Startup Europe Comes to Silicon Valley

Speakers who've already agreed to share the stage at the European Innovation Day include Larry Sonsini (Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati), Nicolas Brusson (BlaBlaCar), Peter Arvai (Prezi), Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet (PriceMinister, Rakuten), Dave McClure (500 Startups) and Tom Thompson (Klarna).

More speakers have been (and will continue to be) added to the program so bookmark this site.

The rest of the SEC2SV week will be filled with high-level meetings between startups, corporations and politicians from both sides of the Atlantic. (read: I) will also be there, as we're partnering with the organisers of the SEC2SV to make the most of the week, which is coincidentally also the same week TechCrunch is holding its big annual Disrupt conference in San Francisco (I'll be there on day 3, too).

SEC2SV's stated goal is to stimulate networking and business opportunities, as well as improve the understanding in Silicon Valley of the increasingly dynamic European startup ecosystem(s).


European startups who want to apply for the tour need to hurry up - the official application period ends on the 15th of August. To apply or learn more about criteria etc., click here.

We're already quite looking forward to the trip!

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