Semrush acquires German SaaS company Ryte

Ryte's acquisition by Semrush will boost sales via wider customer reach and cross-selling.
Semrush acquires German SaaS company Ryte

Semrush Holdings has acquired Munich-based SaaS company Ryte

Founded in 2012, Ryte helps businesses and agencies optimise their Website User Experience. The Ryte Platform focuses on six optimisation pillars: SEO, Quality Assurance, Performance, Sustainability, Accessibility, and Compliance. Its customers include Allianz, Bauhaus, HomeToGo and Hilti.

Semrush has developed an online visibility management SaaS platform that enables businesses globally to run search engine optimisation, pay-per-click, content, social media and competitive research campaigns and get measurable results from online marketing.

Their combined expertise is expected to unlock new growth for both companies. 

According to Andy Bruckschloegl, founder of Ryte:

"We are excited to join Semrush and advance our shared vision for the future of Website User Experience, as well as strengthen Semrush’s cutting-edge Enterprise SEO Platform.

With Semrush, Ryte seeks to drive innovation, accelerate platform development, and amplify our global presence more rapidly than we could as a standalone company.

For Ryte, the acquisition by Semrush is expected to open up new sales opportunities by leveraging access to Semrush's extensive customer base, providing additional customer penetration and cross-selling

For Semrush, the acquisition extends the capabilities of its newly announced Enterprise SEO Platform and reaffirms our commitment to helping large businesses significantly enhance their digital marketing operations, productivity, and online visibility.

“Today, we warmly welcome all Ryte employees to the Semrush family and look forward to capitalising on the opportunities this acquisition brings," said Eugene Levin, President of Semrush.

Andy Bruckschloegl from Ryte also emphasised: 

"We are entering an exciting phase, and I am immensely proud of the entire Ryte team, particularly my two co-founders, Marcus Tandler and Niels Dörje, as well as our CFO and COO, Jens Mittnacht.

Their invaluable contributions have been key to achieving this important milestone for our future.”

Lead image: Ryte Founders, and Marcus Tandler, with Semrush President Eugene and Ryte CFO/COO Jens. (left to right). Photo: uncredited. 

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